Nordic Light Rail Association

Heidi Heikkilä, Finland is the new chairperson of the NLRA - New working group "predictive maintenance"

NLRA – Nordic Light Rail Association calls for an extraordinary general meeting 2024

on Wednesday, 30th October 2024 at 16:00 in Aarhus/Denmark. Meeting room at Aarhus Letbane (Aarhus Tramway).
You can join the meeting via zoom, remember Copenhagen time! This is the Zoom Link to join the general meeting:

The extraordinary general meeting is hold due to the accounts for 2023 could not be approved last time and to inform members about the changes in the board of the NLRA.

Please direct any questions to Secretary General Thomas Lange: T. +46 702 099 145, E-Mail: thlangeua(at)


  1. Election of meeting leader (ordstyrer)
  2. Election of referent
  3. Board’s/Chairman's report
  4. Approval of accounts 2023
  5. Optionally.

Goodbye from the old chairman
When the “Nordic Light Rail Association” officially started in December 2020 the first work was already done. From the early beginning the NLRA worked for a better collaboration between the Tramways in the Nordics on an international level. The “Nordic Light Rail Prize” was issued to honor the mothers and fathers and important helpers of Tramway and Light Rail in the Nordics. In only five years the activities have reached an admirable level. NLRA-Webinars and working groups are, beside the Nordic Light Rail Prize, the most visual activities. The time has come to give responsibility and the future direction of the “Nordic Light Rail Association” to the next generation. I remain as a member of the board (for some time) and will support with administrative tasks such as sending out invoices. This is also the time to say thank you. Thank you to everyone who has supported the idea of ​​international cooperation and continues to do so. The “Nordic Light Rail Association” will continue to rely on your support and activities.

Copenhagen in October 2024
Bernd, member of the board

Hello from the new chairperson
I am and have long been a big fan of international collaboration. I think that possibilities for learning and innovating are greater together. Especially here in Nordics, where it sometimes feels quite dark and lonely, being slightly aside of all the buzz in a world. My career in rolling stock world and public transportation is as mature as NLRA, I started in HKL late 2020. Before that I had a chance to learn all the principles of reliability, availability, maintainability, safety and asset management in other, but not so different industry, aviation. In aviation also my love for international collaboration and influencing was born, as I was participating in legislation improvements and international guidance in International Air Transport Association (IATA) working groups. That knowledge and enthusiastic I have wanted to bring to NLRA, where I have been acting as a board member since 2022. As a new chairperson I wish to continue the work started with Bernd and other active members in NLRA working groups and board to unify the industry, to learn from eachother and to make the Nordic voice heard vider in the world.

Heidi, chairperson of the board
Kaupunkiliikenne – Stadstrafik – City Transport – Helsinki

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