Ice on catenary – February 26, Copenhagen

First part (before lunch) at Zoom also. Second part (after lunch) includes a local study visit

8:30 . Welcome incl. small breakfast
9:00 . Presentation of participants
* Status of the L3 project
* Status and experience from other projects/systems from this winter
11:15 Lunch - Sandwiches
11:30 . Trip and tour of L3 CMC (Control and Maintenance Center) / drive along the L3 line
14:00 . Trip to Supplier of wire heating system
15:15 . Wrapping up and agree on next meeting
15:30 . Return to Metrovej (Other location can be agreed)

Your working group leader:
Tobias Aamo,Metroselskabet and Hovedstadens Letbane

To participate:
Send an email to

Apply with your name, email address, and role or function. State if you will participate on site or by Zoom only.
You will receive a confirmation and the Zoom-link.


Working Group for Predictive Maintenance

Meeting in Turku, Finland, on March 6 and via Zoom

Starting time: 11.00 (Finnish time), 10.00 Central European Time (CET), UTC+1


This workshop will cover both infrastructure and rolling stock topics. During the workshop, it will be important to clarify if there is a need for separation of infrastructure and rolling stock topics.
• Getting to know each other = short presentation on each “site/organization” including:
    Current situation and future goals regarding predictive maintenance
    Need for separation of infrastructure and rolling stock topics?
    Use of big data in the home organization
    What specific challenges do you face that might be relevant for this topic?
•    Specific issues within maintenance and operations having the most AI potential
•    Next meeting occasion to be decided: Suggestion: Within 8 weeks.


Your working group leader:
Ville Sjöholm, Rolling Stock Specialist, Turku Tramway; Finland 

To participate:
Send an email to

Apply with your name, email address, and role or function. State if you will participate on site or by Zoom only.
You will receive a confirmation with the local site address and the Zoom-link.